发布时间:2019-01-16 17:05:49
行政区划: 澳门市辖区市辖区 | 经济类型: - |
单位性质: 其他企业 | 单位行业: 软件和信息技术服务业 |
Company Profile/公司簡介
Company of Engineering Technological Science Fo Kai Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as ‘Fo Kai Engineering’) is a local Macao company run from 2006 till now, official register No. referred to SO25542.
Fo Kai Engineering is a professional surveillance facilities & system provider and surveillance engineering company. We specializes in providing & installing high quality of U.S. even universal surveillance facilities & system, business & technical integrate solution, as well as maintenance service for these facilities & system.
With years of continuous development, Fo Kai Engineering had finished more and more surveillance projects with integrate systems and professional & intelligent performance.
● Integrate. This is an integrate surveillance system, which is inclusive different types of surveillance facilities such as CCTV camera, special infrared source, defense detector, network recorder, control panel. It’s also inclusive video storage server, system management platform and other advantage network control module.
● Professional & intelligent. What we provide is not a surveillance system only, it is really a professional & intelligent surveillance system, with 24hours multi-angle monitoring / 360 full degree peripheral monitoring and intelligent defense/ multi-auto patrol path and multi-auto patrol point per path/ auto tracking or intelligent tracking for appointed zone or private zone/ auto home while tracking completed/ video display auto zoom in or tour in case of any appointed zone being triggered, etc.
● High definition. Coming with different features, a CCTV camera with starlight ability and true WDR can resist the strong backlight environment during day time somewhere; a CCTV camera with special infrared source for darkness compensation can provide a complete high definition video display at night. High definition does not mean what we can see, but actually mean a visual world which we can see much more clear from the CCTV camera.
● Application. Our surveillance systems are widely applied to local government departments/ social service departments/construction sites / hotels & casinos/ commercial & industrial buildings/ companies/ factories/ luxury plazas & shops/ private houses & villas. With high quality /aggressive concept and excellent service, Fo Kai Engineering enjoy high reputation from our clients and customers.
In fact, Fo Kai Engineering always believe that, TECHNOLOGY LEADS TO A SAFE & SIMPLE LIFE!
1) 工程安裝:包括工程前期的現場測量和工程施工(包括施工過程所涉及的強弱電線路鋪設);協助工程師進行產品的安裝和調試;工程完工後期的技術協助和技術支援,定期的系統檢測、緊急情況處理、現場技術支援;
2) 產品的測試和保養:負責協助工程師測試新產品,協助工程師為客戶進行現場的產品演示;負責對公司現有客戶的產品和系統進行保養維護;
3) 根據公司要求,參與與本職位相關的其他工作。
1) 大學本科學歷,電腦軟(硬)件、電子類、通訊類或其它相關專業;
2) 熟悉網絡基本知識,各種操作系統能夠熟練使用;
3) 耐心,細緻,對待工作認真負責;
4) 良好的溝通表達能力及團隊合作精神;
5) 動手能力強,具備鑽研精神,頭腦靈活,具備吃苦耐勞精神;
6) 有良好的英語基礎(聽,說,讀,寫)者優先考慮 ;
7) 應屆畢業生優先考慮。
1) 試用期:1個月,月薪:MOP$8,000(折合人民幣約6700元);
2) 試用期滿,月薪:MOP$10,000(折合人民幣約8400元)
假 期:依照法例享受法定假期;工作滿一年則享有帶薪年假;
如對以上職位有興趣者,請將個人簡歷投遞至:mafokai@ ;
亦可於辦公時間致電:(853)2882 5896,聯絡人:林小姐
需求岗位 | 需求人数 | 需求学历 | 需求专业 | 其他要求 |
Assistant Techniciant/技術助理 | 4 | 本科 | 工业工程,电气工程及其自动化,通信工程,计算机科学与技术 |