

发布时间:2018-10-29 14:11:28

行政区划: 湖北省武汉市洪山区 经济类型: -
单位性质: 三资企业 单位行业: -

The Company

Willis Towers Watson is a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company that helps clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has 40,000 employees serving more than 140 countries. We design and deliver solutions that manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and expand the power of capital to protect and strengthen institutions and individuals. Our unique perspective allows us to see the critical intersections between talent, assets and ideas – the dynamic formula that drives business performance. Together, we unlock potential. Learn more at .


The Business

Our Research and Innovation Centre (RIC) is an internal research unit whose mission is to help develop the firm’s capabilities to serve clients with leading-edge thinking, data and knowledge resources. RIC serves as a center of excellence for developing research papers, synthesizing technical developments and managing and implementing new data resources and tools.




Associate Analyst/ Junior Analyst



  1. 参与RIC年度研究议程中的各种不同的研究项目和议题,涵盖但不仅限于参与全球员工医疗福利与养老福利调研项目设计与分析、分析全球企业福利改革与发展趋势等;

  2. 熟悉员工福利设计模型,掌握相关策略经验,推动全球客户更好地理解员工福利与提升员工工作效率之间的紧密联系,并为其提供准确、及时的信息;

  3. 独立负责和完成收集整理数据,进行统计分析,设计制作研究报告。



  1. 重点院校本科及以上学历,专业要求: 经济、金融、数学、统计等专业背景优先

  2. 熟练掌握相关经济和统计类软件(如STATA, SPSS, SAS等);熟练使用MATLAB,VBA或R等语言的申请者优先

  3. 熟练掌握学术理论知识,并能够实际运用

  4. 有项目研究经历,发表过论文或者学术报告者优先

  5. 优异的语言表达能力,尤其是英文写作和口语

  6. 工作细致,良好的分析能力,富有团队精神

  7. 良好的领导能力,创新力和执行力

  8. 长期发展的意愿,能在时间紧迫的情况下处理多个任务



