

发布时间:2018-09-28 14:37:25



DMTM——英特尔全球的第一个存储器芯片工厂,坐落在美丽的海滨城市大连。作为英特尔全球最先进的存储器生产基地,DMTM的拳头产品是英特尔第一代 3D NAND 芯片。英特尔有着长期增长的愿景,而内存和存储将为这个愿景的实现带来强劲的动力,所以DMTM 的工作对于英特尔的成功至关重要。简言之,这里销售的每一块内存芯片,都将促进物联网,数据中心和 CPU 相关领域的发展——这些正是英特尔的核心增长领域。因此,内存技术作为一项基础技术,对我们支撑智能互联的世界至关重要。

英特尔大连拥有一批经验丰富、业绩稳定的员工队伍,其强有力的领导团队和制胜文化也远近闻名,所以英特尔把存储器生产这个战略性的使命交给了大连。英特尔高级副总裁 Rob Crooke 指出:“在大连工作意味着您在与一个有着顽强的拼搏精神的卓越团队共事,这个团队对于拓展全新领域,并在未知领域获胜有着强烈的愿望。事实证明,无论给大连工厂设定一个什么样的目标,他们都能目标达成!”事实上,英特尔高级管理团队对大连团队的卓越运营印象深刻,他们决定在未来几年对大连新增投资高达55亿美元,用于支持大连生产科技前沿的非易失性存储器。而对员工而言,这将意味着更多的工作机会。










Intel China Technology Development is Hiring

We are looking for engineers at ALL levels that are excited to be part of one of Intel's fast growing business unit, NSG Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group. Leveraging success of 3D NAND high volume manufacturing facility, we are ramping up Dalian Technology Development (TD) organization. Join us and help us create the next generation memory technology that serves world’s explosive growth of data storage needs and challenges.


  • Position 1- Intel Technology Development Process      Engineer

This job requisition is look for multiple candidates for the positions of Process Engineer, reporting to TD Module Engineering Managers.  The selected candidates will be responsible for activities covering process, equipment, materials, and operations in their respective areas of expertise, such as CVD/PVD/CMP/Diffusion/Implant/Metro/Lithography/Wet Etch/Dry Etch.


  • Position 2- Intel Technology Development Yield and      Integration Engineer

This job requisition is look for multiple candidates for the positions of Yield Engineer, FA Engineer, Defect Reduction Engineer, Integration Engineer, Device Engineer, Quality and Reliability Engineer, and Test Engineer, reporting to TD Integration or Device Engineering Managers.


  • Mainly Responsibility

    Examples of scope of work include silicon process improvement and product enhancement, device capability evaluation and expansion, and wafer cost reduction. 


    Candidates must have demonstrated a track record of excellence in creative problem solving, device or test capability enabling, or manufacturing process optimization in a relevant engineering organization.


    Responsibilities include:

    Perform feasibility study and provide integrated process solutions to meet desired device specification and process improvement requirements

    Lead new device experimentation, implementation and high volume manufacturing readiness in the area of expertise

    Define, explore and qualify new integrated process solutions to meet quality and output needs of new processes for high volume manufacturing ramp.


  • Qualifications

    -- PhD in a science or engineering field and with graduation date in 2019 or recent year before

    -- Direct experience in semiconductor research/fabrication environment is highly desired

    --Demonstrated technical leadership and a track record of problem solving with creativity and out-of-box thinking

    --Strong expertise of process characterization, qualification and troubleshooting is required;

     --Motivated self-starter, with strong ability to work independently as well as in a team environment;

    --Strong verbal and written communication skills in English;

    --Think and operate independently, while simultaneously focusing on many diverse priorities.

    --Flexibility and maturity in facing uncertainties and changing priorities/responsibilities




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    --Commit to aggressive goals and win with a can-do attitude




    --Act with velocity and a strong sense of urgency

    --Respect cultural diversity and sensitivity

    --Agility in learning, improving, and innovating