

发布时间:2021-10-24 22:25:52| 点击量:

行政区划: 海淀区 经济类型: -
单位性质: 三资企业 单位行业: 软件和信息技术服务业


StreamNative 是一家开源基础软件公司,由 Apache 软件基金会顶级项目 Apache Pulsar 创始团队组建而成,围绕 Pulsar 打造下一代云原生批流融合数据平台。StreamNative 作为 Apache Pulsar 商业化公司,专注于开源生态和社区构建,致力于前沿技术领域的创新,创始团队成员曾就职于 Yahoo、Twitter、Splunk、EMC 等知名大公司。


Apache Pulsar 是 Apache 软件基金会顶级项目,是下一代云原生分布式消息流平台,集消息、存储、轻量化函数式计算为一体,采用计算与存储分离架构设计,支持多租户、持久化存储、多机房跨区域数据复制,具有强一致性、高吞吐、低延时及高可扩展性等流数据存储特性。

GitHub 地址:http://




About StreamNative

StreamNative is enabling organizations to build the next generation of messaging and event streaming applications. Leveraging Apache Pulsar and BookKeeper, we optimize for scalability and resiliency while reducing the overhead management and complexity required by incumbent technologies. We do this by offering Pulsar and StreamNative’s ‘products as a service’. StreamNative is building a world-class team that is passionate about building amazing products and committed to customer success.

Working at StreamNative

At StreamNative, you will have the opportunity to join some of the most talented and motivated people in the industry. In addition to our dedication to building innovative, event-driven technologies, we are committed to fostering a culture of team-work, positivity, problem-solving, and individual empowerment, and to the growth and development of our team members.

We are a remote company with team members located in different time zones. As part of the StreamNative team, you can work from anywhere with good internet. 




需求岗位 需求人数 需求学历 需求专业 其他要求
内容策划师(中英双语) 2 本科 计算机科学与技术,软件工程,数字媒体技术,新闻学,市场营销
软件工程师(pulsar) 3 本科 计算机科学与技术,软件工程,信息安全,信息管理与信息系统,数学与应用数学