

发布时间:2021-03-11 10:31:42| 点击量:

行政区划: 长宁区 经济类型: -
单位性质: 三资企业 单位行业: 软件和信息技术服务业

Mercari 2021年暑期 网络在线实习生招募

Online internship  Build@Mercari Software Engineer
网络在线实习Build@Mercari 软件工程师
1,需要是在校生 毕业年:2021年~2024年
    ○Backend  ○ Frontend  ○ iOS  ○ Android  ○ Machine Learning
网申链接:https:// />(1分钟即可完成网申)截止日期2021年3月28日
查看实习项目详情:https:// />Mercari重视人才多样性. IT行业中的少数派--女生等也非常欢迎加入。

Mercari, Inc. is a Japanese e-commerce company founded in February 2013 and currently operating in Japan and the United States.
Their main product, the Mercari marketplace app, was first launched in Japan in July 2013, and has since grown to become Japan's largest community-powered marketplace with over JPY 10 billion in transactions carried out on the platform each those Japanese users utilizing one of the country's many community marketplace apps, 94% were found to be using es such as Mercari Channel (live streaming e-commerce) and the Mercari NOW service, which allows users to instantly receive cash for their items, have contributed to the app's widespread success.[5][6] Mercari expanded to the United States in 2014 and the United Kingdom in 2016.[2][7] The Mercari app has been downloaded over 100 million times worldwide (as of 16 December 2017) and the company is the first in Japan to reach unicorn status.

需求岗位 需求人数 需求学历 需求专业 其他要求
工程师 5 本科 计算机科学与技术,软件工程