

发布时间:2018-06-25 17:19:57

行政区划: 长宁区 经济类型: -
单位性质: 三资企业 单位行业: 软件和信息技术服务业


欧美爆红!备受世界瞩目的二手物品交易电商,日本独角兽mercari在2010年于东京成立,2014年成立美国分公司,2017年进军欧洲市场。日本用户使用率已经达到了94%。全球累计下载APP数超过1亿,平均月活跃用户数量约1030万人,估值超过人民币170亿元。  市值达到1亿美金,FACEBOOK用了五年时间,GOOGLE用了10年时间,而Mercari仅仅用了四年。mercari在东京证券交易所Mothers(创业板)上市第一天的时价总额达到约7172亿日元(※约423亿人民币),取得创业板即今为止的首位创举。



Permanent Full-time, 3 month probation period

• Develop and manage native mobile application for iOS and Android

• Create web applications using Go/PHP

• Build scalable backend systems to sustain Mercari’s heavy API traffic using Go, C, Lua, etc

• Operate Mercari’s database with terabytes of data

• Research, conceive and develop new applications to extend Mercari's product using modern technology such as Machine Learning, IoT, etc

• Ensure product quality by writing automated E2E tests for mobile applications

• Based on your assignment, you will be asked to go on business trips to the US and/or UK


As a Software Engineer, you will contribute to Mercari’s business expansion through the development and enhancement of new app features/services as well as by introducing new technology to help us work more efficiently. We have a flat company structure. There are generally two possible career paths (positions) for Mercari’s software engineers:

-Engineering Manager: Takes part in strategic decision-making, development of the team and its engineers, and improves company structure and systems

-Principal Engineer: Builds technical expertise in software engineering, and uses this knowledge to strengthen Mercari’s technological impact and vision, both internally and externally Skill


职位要求Minimum Qualifications:

• Experience with Unix/Linux or Mac environments, distributed systems, machine learning, information retrieval and TCP/IP

• Experience in programming using C, C++, Java, Python, Go and/or PHP

• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field

• Ability to communicate in English is a must; Japanese is not required


Our ideal candidate is…

・Prepared to overcome difficult challenges and learn from mistakes

・Proactive and able to think independently for the good of the team

・Able to go bold and take ownership of projects


Language level 语言水平

English(Japanese NOT required)



工作地点 日本东京



6,900,000yen~(约40万RMB~ in 2018/5/10 rate) *including incentive



• Health insurance

• Employee stock ownership plan

• Full local transportation coverage

• Custom PC, dual screen provided if needed

• Company smartphone

• Visa support

• Moving allowance and international travel expense reimbursement

• Option to enroll in Japanese language training


Selection process

CV Screening → Programming Test → Assignment submission → Interview(2018 autumn)@Beijing, Shanghai

*Only those who pass each step will be informed of the result.





需求岗位 需求人数 需求学历 需求专业 其他要求
Software Engineer 未定 ,本硕共计20 本科 计算机科学与技术,物联网工程,信息安全
Software Engineer 未定,本硕共计20 硕士 计算机应用技术,计算机系统结构,信息安全,计算机软件与理论,计算机技术硕士