

发布时间:2021-06-11 09:33:53| 点击量:


PAPH International Management Trainee Program for 2021 Campus Recruitment

 2021 PINGAN PU HUI 국제 관리 연수생 캠퍼스 모집공고

一、 公司简介





I. Company Profile

Ping An Puhui Business Cluster (hereinafter referred to as "PAPH") is the umbrella name for a number of companies under Lufax Holding Limited, an associate company of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, that carry out financing guarantee, financing consulting and small loan businesses. PAPH is committed to helping the massive micro enterprise owners, individual business owners and other inclusive finance people to access professional loan services through innovative technology and perfect risk control.

After more than ten years of rapid development, PAPH has a mature international management team and rich experience in credit business management in terms of comprehensive strength and corporate governance; through innovative credit technologies such as face recognition, micro facial expression, AI technology and anti-fraud scanning, we have continuously improved our risk control capability and our robust risk management capability has also enabled us to continuously optimize our asset risk performance; our diversified loan service solutions provide borrowers with highly efficient, convenient and high-quality loan services; our fully online application process and offline consulting services enable us to enhance the service experience constantly; at the same time, PAPH relies on financial technology to build a service platform and cooperate with financial resources with different strengths in the credit business to serve micro enterprise owners and solve their financing problems.

At present, PAPH's business covers more than 300 cities nationwide, and has provided loan services to more than 13 million inclusive finance people who are mainly comprised of micro enterprise owners and individual business owners, assisting customers to obtain loans of more than 460 billion yuan in total.

In the future, PAPH will continue to adhere to the two-wheel drive of "finance + technology", always focus on serving the financing needs of micro enterprise owners, help the development of the real economy, insist on being the "inclusive credit around micro enterprises", and strive to build the world's most trustworthy and the most preferred inclusive finance brand.

1. 회사 소개

PINGAN PUHUI 클러스터는(약칭 “PAPH”) 중국 핑안 보험(그룹) 주식회사의 연합경영사인 LUFAX HOLDING LTD 사가 운영하는 개인  자영업 대출관련 종합서비스를 제공하는 회사로 대출용담보발행대출 컨설팅자영업대출소액대출 등을 주된 사업으로 운영하고 있습니다. PAPH 금융과 신기술 접목을 기반으로 증명된 리스크관리 모델을 통해 2021 4월현재 누적 13백만명의 중소기업  자영업자와 개인고객들에게 담보/무담보 대출서비스를 제공하고 있으며 상하이 본사와 전국 35개성, 300 이상의 도시에서 84천여명의 임직원이 근무하고 있는 종합금융회사 입니다.

PAPH 중국에서의15년의 금융대출업 경험과 발전을 기반으로 빠르게 발전하였고 전통적인 금융대출업과 여러 신기술의 접목을 통해 빠르고 편리하고 신속하며 정확한 대출서비스를 제공하고 있으며 또한 글로벌 경영과 인재관리를 표방하여 다양한 교육프로그램과 현장경험을 통한 인재양성을 기본으로 하여 체계적인 인재양성 체계를 구축, 운영하고 있습니다.

대출신청  심사 프로세스와 안면인식음성지문미세표정인식인공지능로봇  혁신적인 기술의 접목을 통하여 테크놀로지기반 무방문 비대면 무자료 대출프로세스를 2018 최초로 시장에 소개하였으며, 이를통해 데이터기반 리스크모델 능력의 향상과 고객편리성 기반의 대출과정을 구현하여 건전한 자산성장과 낮은 신용손실을 동시에 달성하여 시장을 선도해나가고 있습니다. 이러한 온라인 대출플랫폼을 통하여 기존의 전통적인 금융기관으로부터 소외되어있던 중소기업  자영업자를 대상으로  편리한 대출서비스를 제공하며 더나은 고객만족을 위해 오프라인 컨설팅 서비스를 통한 찾아가는 서비스 방식도 동시에 제공함으로써 오프라인과 온라인의 편리함과 강점을 동시에 보유한 중국내의 유일한 종합금융기관으로 자리매김 하였습니다.

앞으로도 PAPH 신기술을 바탕으로  고객편리를 우선하는 비니지스 모델을 지속적으로 발전시켜 나갈것이며 중소기업  자영업자 대출을 통하여 실물경제의 발전에 이바지하며 고객이 가장 선호하는 세계적인 금융브랜드로의 도약을 위해 최선의 노력을 다해나갈 것입니다.

二、 核心高管团队

YongSuk CHO赵容奭(韩国)





II. Core Management Team

YongSuk Cho (South Korea)

Director and Co-Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Yong Suk Cho has been the co-chief executive officer of our company since January 2021, and he served as a director of our company and the chief executive officer of Puhui since 2016. Mr. Cho has extensive experience in the consumer finance industry. Mr. Cho served as the vice president of portfolio management team of Citibank Korea Inc. from July 1999 to March 2006, and senior vice president of marketing department of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Seoul Branch from April 2006 to September 2007. Mr. Cho subsequently joined Ping An where he held a number of management positions, including section chief, assistant general manager, deputy general manager and general manager of the credit guarantee insurance business department from October 2007 to February 2015, during which he was in charge of planning, finance and risk management business lines. Mr. Cho obtained his MBA degree from the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business in May 1999.


2. 핵심 임원

YongSuk CHO조용석한국

Lufax Holding Ltd Co-CEO

조용석사장은 2007 핑안그룹에 입사하여2016~2020 PAPH 대표이사를 역임하였고 현재 Lufax Holding Ltd Co-CEO  맡고 있다. 핑안그룹 입사이전에는 Citibank (한국, 태국지사) 글로벌 개인사업부 부사장, HSBC 개인 금융서비스  마케팅 사업부 부사장을 역임했고 20여년의 개인금융에 관한 전문적인 경력을 가지고 있다.

조용석사장는1999년도 미국 유씨버클리(University of California, Berkeley)에서 경영학석사 학위를 받았다. 


三、 招聘职位



1) 在公司核心部门轮岗,熟悉主要工作和必要技能;

2) 根据各部门工作安排,协助部门完成相关项目,深入发展和提升业务能力;

3) 根据从事岗位职责,提供工作分析意见及改进建议。



1) 金融、数学、经济管理等相关专业优先;

2) 出色的韩语、英语交流能力、具备中文能力优先,拥有在中国市场发展意向;

3) 学习能力强,充满激情,喜欢迎接挑战







1) 准时完成常规报表,并保证数据的准确性、及时性;

2) 制作关键风控指标追踪报告,并及时上报异常;

3) 建立和维护信贷风险相关的数据库和数据支持流程;

4) 完成其他临时需要的报告。


1) 经济学、理学、工学计算机类相关专业;

2) 担任风险管理、信用管理、风险数据分析;

3) 熟悉IT技能SAS、SQL;

4) 具备领悟融会、沟通协作、逻辑推理的能力;

5) 具备勤奋努力、抗压耐力、专注聚焦、危机意识、责任担当的性格。



1) 进行What if分析,侧重盈利性分析;

2) 定位公司经营中的问题,牵头相关部门进行专项分析;

3) 围绕公司经营目标,进行经营预测;

4) 经营预测结果,用于公司经营问题预警、领导经营决策等;

5) 牵头公司年度预算编制。


1) 本科及以上学历,具备逻辑推理、建模分析能力;

2) 具有较强数据理解力。



1) 画像分析:负责存量客户经营,通过用户调研、多维度数据分析,探索客群画像,引导业务发展方向

2) 客群策略拟定:研究分客群借款需求及客户痛点,设计差异化的产品策略,优化客户额度、定价及体验,实现产品增长及公司盈利目标

3) 产品设计及开发落地:作为项目牵头人,与销售、风险、运营团队紧密配合,推进产品策略的执行落地,包含业务功能方案/流程设计、需求分析、测试、推动上线及销售端的培训推广

4) 产品效果追踪及优化:产品开发项目上线后的生产系统日常运维管理,效果追踪,问题定位,并进一步提出产品优化策略。


1) 熟练使用Python/SAS/SQL等工具

2) 了解金融产品,具备较强的业务感觉;

3) 结果导向、上进心与责任心强、善于沟通;

4) 具有大额信贷行业背景数据背景优先。

III. Recruitment Positions

International management trainee

(I) Job responsibilities:

1) Rotate in the core departments of the company to familiarize with the main work and necessary skills;

2) Assist the department to complete relevant projects according to the work arrangement of the department, and develop and improve business ability in depth;

3) Provide work analysis opinions and improvement suggestions according to the duties of the engaged position.


(II) Job requirements:

1) Those with finance, mathematics, economic management and other related majors are preferred;

2) Excellent communication skills in Korean and English, with Chinese language skill preferred, with the intention of developing in the Chinese market;

3) Strong learning ability, full of passion and love to meet challenges.


(III) Specific directions of jobs for which application can be submitted

(1) Risk data analysis

Job responsibilities:

1) Complete routine reports on time and ensure the accuracy and timeliness of data;

2) Produce tracking reports on key risk indicators and report exceptions in a timely manner;

3) Establish and maintain credit risk related databases and data support processes;

4) Complete other ad hoc reports as needed.


Job requirements:

1) Economics, science, engineering, computer related majors;

2) Responsible for risk management, credit management, risk data analysis;

3) Familiar with IT skills SAS and SQL;

4) Ability of comprehension, communication and collaboration, and logical reasoning.

5) Possess such personalities as diligence, stress resistance and endurance, focus, crisis awareness, and high sense of responsibility.


(2) Strategic planning analysis

Job responsibilities:

1) Conduct What If analysis, focusing on profitability analysis;

2) Locate the problems in the company's operation and lead relevant departments to conduct special analysis;

3) Conduct business forecasting around the company's business objectives;

4) Forecast business results for early warning of company's business problems, leader’s business decisions, etc.

5) Lead the company's annual budget preparation.

Job requirements:

1) Bachelor degree or above, with logical reasoning and modeling analysis ability;

2) Strong data understanding.

(3) Financial product direction

Job responsibilities:

5) Portrait analysis: responsible for existing customer operation, exploring customer segment portrait and guiding business development direction through user research and multi-dimensional data analysis;

6) Customer strategy formulation: research the loan needs and pain points of each customer segment, design differentiated product strategies, and optimize customers’ credit line, pricing and experience, to achieve product growth and company profitability goals;

7) Product design, development and implementation: As the project leader, work closely with sales, risk and operation teams to promote the implementation of product strategy, including business function scheme/process design, requirement analysis, testing, pushing for the launch and sales-end training and promotion;

8) Product effect tracking and optimization: responsible for daily operation and maintenance management of production system after the product development project gets launched, as well as effect tracking and problem location, and further proposing product optimization strategies.

Job requirements:

1) proficient in Python/SAS/SQL and other tools;

2) Understanding of financial products and strong business sense;

3) Results-oriented, strongly self-motivated and responsible, good at communication;

4) Those with background in large-amount credit industry and data background are preferred.


3. 사원모집

3.1 국제 관리 연수생인턴

(1) 담당 업무

1)회사 핵심 부서 교대로 근무. 부서의 주요업무와 전문기술을 학습.

2) 부서의 업무계획에 의하여  부서를 협조하고 관련 프로젝트를 완성.

이를 통해 전문적인 업무 능력을 양성

3)업무 내용에 따라, 분석의견  의사결정 지원.

(2) 자격요건 우대사항

1금융수학경제관리  관련 전공 졸업자 우선

2한국어영어 가능자, 중국어 능숙자 우선, 중국에 오래 근무의지가 있는자 우선

3학습 능력이 강하며열정과 도전정신을 가진 .


3.2 업무 배치 방향

. 스크 데이터 분석

(1)  담당 업무:

1) 보고서를 완성하고, 데이타의 정확성과 신속성을 보증;

2) 핵심 리스크MI 작성하고 이상발견 보고.

3) 신용대출 관한 데이타베이스를 구축하고 데이타분석을 통한 의사결정 지원.

4) 기타 임시적인 보고서를 완성.

(2)  자격요구 우대사항

1) 경제학, 이학, 공학, 컴퓨터와 관련된 전공 졸업자

2) 리스크 관리신용관리리스크 데이터 분석 업무경력자

3)  SAS、SQL 능숙자

4) 이해력과 소통능력이 뛰어나고 논리성과 추리성이 강한 .

5) 도전정신을 가지고 책임감이 강한


. 전략 기획 분석

(1)  담당 업무 

1) What if 분석을 진행하며, 수익성 분석 완성.

2) 회사 경영문제를 발견하고, 관련 부서를 이끌어 전문적인 분석 진행.

3) 회사 경영목표를 위주로 경영방향 예측.

4) 경영 예측결과를 통한 경영 문제발견 의사결정 지원.

5) 회사연도 예산 작성.


(2)  자격요구 우대사항

1) 대졸이상학력. 논리성과 추리성을 가진 . 모델링  분석능력을 가진 .

2) 우수한 데이터이해력을 가진 .


. 금융 상품 관리

(1)  담당 업무

1) 분석: 기준고객 경영. 고객조사연구과 multi데이터 분석을 통해 고객분류를 시켜 업무 발전 방향에 의사결정 지원

2)고객전략 결정: 고객군에 따른 대출수요 고객 불만요소를 연구해 차별화된 금융상품을  설계하고 고객의 대출한도, 이자율  체험감을 최적화시켜 회사의 수익성을 향상시킨다.

3)상품 설계  개발: 프로젝트 담당자로서,영업팀,리스크팀,운영팀과 협력하여 상품 기능 설계/프로세스 설계, 수요 분석, 상품 테스트, 온라인 오프라인 영업 교육등을 포함한 모든 상품관한 업무를 추진한다.

4)상품판매효과 업데이트: 상품 출시후 일상 운영관리, 상품 피드백, 문제점 수집 . 상품 개선 방안을 제시.

(2)  자격요구 우대사항

1) Python / SAS / SQL 능숙자.

2) 금융 상품을 이해하며 금융 업무 감각을 가진 .

3) 결과적이며 도전적이고 책임감이 강한 . 의사소통 능한 자.

4) 높은 한도의 신용 대출 업계 경험자, 데이터쪽 경력자 우선.

4. 简历接收方式

to receive the resume

4. 이력서 접수 방식


Receive by emailxieliqun371@
